
Locksmith / plumber

Full-time (may be half-time)
Working hours 6:00 – 15:00
Activity description: teamwork on vehicle redevelopment
Requirements: manual skills, responsibility, independence, driving license of group B
Workplace: Semtin , 533 53 Pardubice

Car repairman

Full-time (may be half-time)
Working hours 6:00 – 15:00
Activity description: Teamwork on vehicle re-engineering – in particular, mounting the compressor climate
Requirements: manual skills, responsibility, independence, driving license of group B
Workplace: Semtin , 533 53 Pardubice

Car electrician

Full-time (may be half-time)
Working hours 6:00 – 15:00
Activity description: teamwork on vehicle re-engineering – in particular wiring of rebuilding equipment
Requirements: manual skills, responsibility, independence, driving license of group B
Workplace: Semtin , 533 53 Pardubice

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Feel free to contact us!

We will respond within 24 hours.
We will not publish your data anywhere.